
Monday, 24 February 2014

Twelve women were savagely killed by their male partners since the beginning of 2014, with the latest one having taken place on Saturday night. This really need serious attention ,,,men are being ruled by selfishness and need to have their mind-sets  changed, through being sensitised against [passion killing and other forms of violence against women .


  1. I suggest men that kill ladies in that manner over issues than can be solved need to be slaughtered live in a full view of the public. sso they become an example for other men out there who have demonic souls and capable of committing same crimes

    1. u are toking Aupapa ,,,sersiously I think is time for the GRV to intervn

  2. This kind of people need to be punished heavy to give example to others

    1. yes you are right they are killing innocent people,,,they shuld be punshd accrdngly

  3. I think people need to find the root cause of passion killings and tackle it there. simply puniahing the killers wont stop it cause crimes of passion are usually committed by the common man. Law abiding citizens who wouldnt do it when thinking straight. therefore harsh puniahment wont stop the next killer cos ey never think but act on impulse n dont think of d consequences... its time Africans consider psychatrists as vital and visit them at first signs of distress...
    Botswana has Capital punishment for such but these crimes still exist! People normally regrett after such hideous crimes and killing them doesnt bring back the victims. Education and counselling is the KEY! Prevention is better tgan cure!
